Cover art

Monday, July 20, 2015

Two Years Later

It's hard to believe it has already been two years. I originally started writing my stories as a way to get back something important to me, my belief in myself.

Fast forward a year and fifteen stories later. I was encouraged by many of my readers to publish them and I thought "How hard can it be, I have already written so many, getting them to print shouldn't be too much trouble."

Today I can tell you there wasn't a single part of it that was easy. I loved every hair pulling minute of it, but it wasn't easy. Writing an online story is closer to a rough draft than many will admit, and all of those meme's about how much time is spent editing versus rough draft are true.

I managed to spend this last year peppering what hair I had left with gray, and planning every other detail. The good thing is having a good team in place now and much of the work I did for the first book will carry over to the next several in the series. I hired a new editor to handle Sprite Fall so I can have it ready around February and I have several standalone novels that will be making an appearance in between each Sprite novel. I wanted to take a moment to admit I didn't do it alone. Author's who have been down the road of first releases have helped me, My wife has helped me more than I could ever pay back, My kids have helped me, and my parents have helped me. With so much support it made the bumpy road a little less treacherous. It also adds a bit of pressure. Books in a series rarely fly out of the gate but a little voice wants to show all of these amazing supportive people that it was all worth it. So with tempered excitement and unbridled nerves I say bring on July 21st and the release of my first foray into the "serious" writing world. I am sure I will be tearing apart all of the things I did wrong as I improve and produce more books, but for now I am going to let myself enjoy the completion of a long held dream. Here is to the next twenty novels.

CC Ryburn

Monday, July 6, 2015

"The Last Sprite" release party

I am truly excited with the number of super amazing authors joining me for the release party. There will be prizes, games, Q&A time, and so much more. I have a special surprise lined up thanks to an artist I have worked with in the past for other projects. She will also be more items related to the characters from The Last Sprite. Winning it will be a big deal for someone I am sure.

The link to the party is
drop in and visit for a while with some truly gifted wordsmiths.

CC Ryburn

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Time to give back

I really wanted to find a way to give back to everyone who helped me, supported me, and were completely awesome people. I am planning on many custom giveaways. I will be coming up with stuff for Google Plus soon. I will also be doing giveaways leading up to my first book release specifically for Twitter, Instagram, my personal site, and my Facebook page. I wish I had enough to just start handing out things to everyone that supported me.
My first giveaway is live on Goodreads. I wish everyone who enters luck and hope you enjoy the fun leading up to the release date. This book represents a vast amount of work, time, and money. Even more important was the emotional support of some amazing people along the way. Thank you. May today bring you a calm piece of mind and feeling of contentment.

CC Ryburn

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Last Sprite Cover Release

Sprite Series Book One
Cheryl grew up immersed in science and fact. A low level accountant has to always keep a clear head based on what is real.

What is real and what is fact blurred on her twenty-second birthday. When several non-factual being's became a real part of her life.

Figuring out who to trust is tied to her survival. Too bad most of them are wearing masks. 

The fact that the demon Belial wants her to die most viciously may not fit with her beliefs, but it is her reality now.

It is only one demon though, how bad can one little demon be?

Available for pre-order at all online and retail book sellers.
Release date July 21st, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

I should be sleeping

I should be content, happy, relieved, and a million other things.

I finished all of the work I needed to get my books ready for press. I did every detail, so why do I still feel under the gun?

I was told by a writer I respect quite a bit, that I would not feel what I expect to feel for quite a while. Getting the book finished and ready for the printer is the smallest part of it.

Will I feel like I completed something when it is in my hands, probably not.

Now is a good time to remember my old teacher reciting "a master does their job, then lets it go. That is why it is eternal."

Time to meditate, and allow myself to let go.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Predicting the Future for Content Providers

The old ways are young again

So much time is spent arguing about the next big thing. The next big thing isn't as revolutionary as movies and books (or futurists) would have us believe.

In the 1950's, If you had a telephone service in your home, you rented the phone from your service provider. People didn't own their own phones and worse had to call someone to their house to fix the broken ones.

Fast forward to the 1980's Cable TV service was rolling out quickly. The familiar rotary selector was still on the cable set top box, however you rented the box from the Cable company service provider.

The idea that rented pieces needed for a service persist today. If you don't believe me, cancel your subscription to Netflix and the content you have had for five plus years is gone. You are no longer renting it. Stop paying for your Cell service and see what kind of bill you get for your subsidized phone. (Hint: They are basically rent to own with planned obsolescence) 

We will continue to make the change back and forth between being a consumer society and a service society until long after I am dead.

What changed each of these things? ( I despise the words 'Paradigm Shift' from years in corporate hellholes) Innovation and fear of losing money.

Companies created the first personally owned phones, VCR's, Tivo's, and so many more devices to give us the chance to choose how and when we used services. Long storage batteries will do the same for electricity use. Imagine storing off peak electricity to use when it is 110 degrees outside to run your air conditioner. What will the next thing be? Metered internet for all, since it is being classified as a utility now. We will see more free use of the internet. The cable companies will fight back for a time to maximize profits in their ever closing windows of uncontrolled billing for speeds that are barely able to provide 1080p in peak times. The 4k video and the ultra wide screen movement will begin making these dinosaurs look for the next hunting ground.

Microsoft 365, Adobe Creative Cloud, Subsidized CellPhones and contracts, and cloud storage systems will one day belong to the consumers again instead of the providers. So when you place your bets (whether it is in the form of money or your future) in a new product or service. Check and make sure it isn't part of the current cycle of offered goods and services.

How does this relate to authors and creative designers? How many Twitter arguments have you heard about which service is better to jump on to reach your audience. You are a content provider, be sure you aren't putting all of your eggs in the wrong part of history.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

no whammy, no whammy, no whammy

Today was brought to you by...

...writers' block and migraines, well not so much writers' block as writers' pyramids. I usually fight my way free by typing random sentences my characters might say and listening to music. The migraine negated the music. I didn't get much done in the way of the story, However I was able to come out with some good lines to use later.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Creating something new and at least, slightly different than the millions of other works before yours, is a very daunting task. Making it readable to others is slightly harder. Making it perfect in your eyes is impossible. There will always be the character who needed more reason to just jump in that car.

That is where I find myself today. Editing like a madman for my first book release. I also find errors the readers may never see. The author has the curse of being omnipotent in the world they created. The author knows when there are extenuating circumstances that led the character to act in a certain way. The author also knows those reasons are boring. They don't really add to the story or throw off the pacing so much that most readers would find it tedious at best.

Where do you draw the line?